Resources & Information

The following are links to various web-sites that may help you to better understand the issues facing you.  The links are provided for your reference only and are not to be construed as legal advice from David Sherman nor does Mr. Sherman endorse the accuracy of their content.

Federal Child Support Guidelines:  call 1-888-373-2222 or visit the website at:

Ontario Child Support Guidelines:  you can get an information kit at your local family court or visit the website at:

Office of the Children’s Lawyer:  call 416-314-8000 or visit the web-site at :

The Family Law Act:  a copy of this Act can be found at:

The Children’s Law Reform Act:  a copy of this Act can be found at:

The Divorce Act:  a copy of this Act can be found at:

The Family Responsibility Office:  for information, write to the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) at:  Family Responsibility Office, P.O. Box 220, Downsview, Ontario, M3M 3A3 or fax them at: 416-240-2401.  For general information about FRO and access to the forms used visit the web-site at:

Canada Pension Plan Credit Splitting on Divorce or Separation:  to learn about splitting the accumulated pension plan credits with your spouse visit the web-site at:

If your child has been removed from the country without your permission: visit the Federal Foreign Affairs and International Trade website at:


  • Why Consult David J. Sherman?

  • David has 25 years of experience as a panel lawyer for the Children’s Lawyers Office of Ontario and more than 30 years of experience as a family law Barrister.


    David will provide you with the sound advice you need.  He will effectively conduct the kind of principled negotiations on your behalf that leads to the best possible agreement.


    Failing agreement, David will provide the Court with the kind of persuasive and accurate picture of your parenting role that is essential to the Judge making the correct decision or recommendation.